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The Angels in Green


On the morning of January 2019 an emergency call was received by West Midlands Ambulance Service, there was a boy in serious need of help, fighting for his very life, that boy was Tommy. Dispatched to his home were these 6 heroes, with speed and expert knowledge they set about saving his life, the clock was already ticking, and time was running out. As stable as he could be the blue lights lit up the road and would eventually lead Tommy to even more expert help, that being at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. On route Tommy’s heart had stopped and so started CPR by the paramedics, they did not stop, never, not once, Tommy was everything to them and they safely got him to the hospital. 


Taking over at BCH were experts in Paediatric Lifesaving and care, they achieved the almost impossible, they saved a young boy from an out of hospital cardiac arrest. They all contributed in saving Tommy’s life that awful day, the day was etched in the minds and hearts of those first on scene for which without their reaction, skills, understanding and speed the day could of been a whole different story. As a result of such amazing care these brave members of WMAS were presented with a Chief Officers Commendation award, truly deserved. These 6 people we owe everything to, they gave us precious time back with our Tommy, these are and will always be Tommy’s Angels in Green.


[Mar 2019] Picture shows (L-R): Operations Managers Wendy Hands, Tom George, Michael Francis, Alison, Tommy and Jason Plant, Jordan Lane, Michelle Stubbs and Worcester University Student, Daniel Stokes.

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